Wednesday, September 2, 2009

It takes a disc golf village, and . . .

So I've had this book idea for a couple years. I want people to know 1) Golf is a great game- perhaps the greatest game ever invented; 2) The version of golf that most people are familiar with - the version with clubs and balls - has numerous limitations that keep most people from ever experiencing the greatness of golf, and; 3) There is another version of the great game, and this version doesn't have any of the limiting factors of the original version.

I've got a few thousand words down that I'll likely use, but most of the work has gotten done during the past three months, during a forced vacation (I enjoyed it immensely anyway) from my normal vocation. Now I'm back to work again in the field that brings home sufficient bacon for my family to live in Santa Cruz (mortgage banking technology), and the book project necessarily takes a backseat. My simple-minded plan is to keep the project alive by using this blog to present the material for the book to those who read DeLa Blahg, most of whom I'm sure share my passion for the sport. So please, consider posting replies to my entries. After all, it takes a disc golf village to enlighten the world. Stay tuned for more.

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