Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A Discmasters teaser plus, uh, "Gourd Disc Golf'

After months of filming and editing, the TV show I've been working on is set to debut on Community TV and YouTube in April- this month. It stars Nate Doss, Valarie and Avery Jenkins and a host named Jack Tupp, and features entertaining characters such as Gregg Barsby and Nikko Locastro, along with a strong sampling of locals from the Santa Cruz disc golf scene. We figure with the Pro Worlds coming here in the summer, people might like an insiders view of what goes on here year-round.

We've created a couple completely different trailers. One is an explanation of the different types of content the show will have (and that one will be posted very soon), and this one is random clips from the show set to . . . music. I have a censored and non-sensored version posted here, since a few of the lyrics are not acceptable in genteel society. Check 'em out and decide for yourself whether you think the show will be any good. And check back here for more details on when and where the show will air. We'll have a Facebook page and website up soon.


Now for the Gourd Disc Golf. Seems the guy in the picture below has decided that plain old disc golf is already passe, and the real sport of the future is played with gourds, or pieces of gourds. If you must know what he's up to, see if you can figure it out at the site where the picture is posted,

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