Thursday, May 14, 2009

Masters Cup 2009:

The pro Masters Cup starts tomorrow, and I feel like I have two persona's this year. While I've played in the event for many, many years, this is the first year I've been involved in running it in a major way. After all this time, and finally seeing what's involved in pulling off a major tournament like the Masters Cup, I felt guilty.

For those that don't know, some serious volunteer hours get put in to pull off an event that spans two 3-day weekends and includes more than 300 players. Unlike other courses, we get no assistance from the city or county when it comes to course maintenance, so all those lumpy hillsides that get mowed and weed-whacked are mowed and weed-whacked by volunteer disc golfers! Add to that the coordination with sponsors and the PDGA, communication to players, assembly of the players packs . . . . . I could go on and on, but you get the picture. People like Daviar, Stan Pratt, Marty Hapner, Katie Beckett, the guys at DGA . . . they deserve tons of credit.

Anyway, it makes this year feel different than years past. But it's Thursday night, and my volunteer work should be done now. From now until my last putt on Sunday, I'm just another competitor. And like all the past years, I have a strategy to get my best game to show up for three straight 4.5 hour rounds on three straight days. Here it is, in a nutshell:

  1. As always, focus on nothing but what it takes to execute the next shot. All the other stuff - the score, the magintude of the event, what the other guys are doing - only detracts from the shot at hand.
  2. Stick to my gameplan of settling for par on most holes, picking up birdies where they present themselves. No matter how things start, or what unforseen disasters occur, I'll stick to the plan. Last year I was cold for three straight rounds, and by sticking to the plan I still cashed.
  3. Treat my old bones with care. Ice the arm right after the round, soak in the hot tub Friday and Saturday nights, limit the alcohol, and get enough sleep.
We'll see how it goes, but the key is #1 above. I play my best when I'm totally absorbed in the moment, in the shot. I need to play disc golf in a vaccuum.

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