At my little local short course, Black Mouse, the longest hole by far is number 13. But before the course was reconfigured to pacify a science teacher, number 13 was the trickiest**. An uphill 290-footer that forces you to throw way around a gnarly tangle of Redwoods and brush, it's still the toughest par for me on the relatively easy course. Go figure. I know I've made the same observation at countless other courses, too, but one in particular is on my mind.
Hole 13 at Winthrop Gold - site of the United States Disc Golf Championship next week - is known as 888. Because of the length. But it's a par five, and the course includes a par four that is 900 feet. So length isn't what makes this hole the toughest of what is a parade of challenging holes. Much like 13 at Black Mouse, this hole is hard because it barely gives a disc room to breath, from tee to basket.
Without yet seeing it in person (that'll change next week), but based on the caddie book and descriptions by numerous people that have (including current chap Nate Doss), here's an idea of how it plays:
A narrow strip of tree-studded fairway bends slowly to the right, eventually running into a dead-end 800 feet away. At that point, the basket is about 150 feet away in the middle of an island green. The hazard on this hole is called bunkr, and landing on the wrong side of the red bunkr line incurs no penalty stroke. However, you must throw again from the original lie. So if there is a shot that really gives you problems, you might pile up some strokes.
Standing on the tee, you see a wall of low-hanging trees on the left and a parking lot on the right, divided by a 3-inch curb and the aforementioned bunkr.
- The first task is to break through or go over that line of trees, without crossing over the bunkr line that defines the other side of the fairway.
- You then need to keep between the two roughly parallel bunkr lines that are maybe 50 feet apart, while dodging trees strategically placed throughout
- Depending on your power and your risk-taking personality, there are numerous opportunities to reach the island green from between the trees, starting from around 400 feet away from the basket, 500 feet from the tee. I'll most likely have to cover 600 feet of that skinny fairway before I can take a shot at that green.
**NOTE: I just contacted the designer of both Black Mouse and DeLa, HOFer Tom Schot, to ask him if there was some secret course designer rule involved, and he said there was no such rule, so that's that. But now he'll begin seeing tough 13's everywhere too.